Liposuction Under Chin

Fat under the chin can make many patients feel very insecure, resulting in a decrease in self-confidence. Submental liposuction, also called a "double chin," is a suitable treatment option for patients with normal body mass index (BMI).


Submental liposuction or chin liposuction is a solution for men and women who want to remove fat under the chin. Submental liposuction is considered a good alternative to neck lift surgery in people with good quality skin with minimal skin laxity, as the procedure has fewer complications and scarring and there is a faster recovery period. Submental liposuction can look more natural in younger people than a neck lift.


Chin liposuction involves removing fat from under the jaw, as well as the cheeks. Excess fat in these areas often causes a person to look older and plump. Submental liposuction is considered a safe solution to the problem.

-- FAQ (gekoppeld)


You will be invited for a consultation prior to any surgery. During this appointment you will meet the doctor who will operate on you. The doctor will listen to your wishes and provide you with expert and honest advice about the possibilities, limitations, risks and possible complications. The aim of the interview is to go through all aspects of the treatment with you. The doctor can determine whether the desired outcome can be achieved, may recommend an alternative, will review your medical history, and may request preoperative testing relevant to your surgery. Furthermore, photos are always taken for your medical file. This is for our own administration. Nothing will ever be shared with third parties without your permission. Finally, the doctor will provide you with advice for the recovery period after surgery.

As soon as you make an appointment, you will receive a confirmation by email and a medical questionnaire. It is important that you fill this in carefully, so that our doctor can take this into account in preparation for the eyelid correction.

The following topics will be discussed during the consultation:

  • Your medical history
  • Your treatment plan
  • Your possible result
  • Precaution
  • Aftercare
  • The control moments

Before the Operation

The correction takes place under a local anaesthetic. As a result, you should not consume alcohol for two weeks before the operation. You must be sober during the operation, which means that you are not allowed to eat or drink anything from 8 hours before the operation.

If you use blood-thinning medicines, you must inform your treating doctor. In consultation with your doctor, you can stop taking painkillers and blood thinners, such as arbasalate calcium (Ascal) and acetylsalicylic acid (Aspro or Aspirin) two weeks before the procedure.

If you use Marcoumar or Sitrom, we recommend that you stop taking this in consultation with the thrombosis service and your attending physician.

The Operation

The procedure takes about 45-60 minutes and is performed under a local anaesthetic. The doctor makes an incision on the inside of the cheek and removes the fat pad. You will not feel anything from the procedure. The procedure is comparable to a dental treatment.

After the Treatment

You can go home immediately after the operation. Because you have had surgery and received medication, you are not allowed to drive yourself. We recommend having someone pick you up. Avoid intensive chewing of solid foods and do not drink hot drinks such as coffee and tea for the first 24 hours.

The anesthetic injections may still be sensitive after the procedure. In addition, you may experience post-pain. Take a paracetamol for this.

Avoid pressure

It is important that you avoid pressure on your head as much as possible during the first two weeks after surgery. That means no sports and no heavy household chores. Keep your head upright. When sleeping, it is best to use two or three pillows, for 3 days, to keep your head upright as much as possible.

Taking a shower

You can take a shower after the operation. The suture is in your mouth and cannot be affected.


You can wear make-up after the procedure.


Sports or other strenuous exercise puts extra pressure on your face. We therefore advise you to avoid this type of exertion during the first two weeks after the procedure.


Sunlight is not a problem, just don't look for heat sources such as the solarium and the sauna. This slows down the recovery process.


Alcohol consumption is not allowed from two weeks before and after the procedure. Alcohol thins the blood, causing the wounds to bleed more than usual during and after the procedure.


€ 1.500.-

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