Eye lid correction under

Bags under the eyes give a tired look. If there is depth, a tired look can be remedied with tear trough fillers. In some cases, there is fluid under the eyes. This is often genetically determined and therefore not necessarily related to age. Unfortunately, there are no remedies to remedy this. The only solution is therefore an operation in which excess fat, moisture and skin is removed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and recovery is quick.

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During the operation, an incision is made to remove sagging skin, excess fat and muscle tissue. As a result, it is permanently deleted and in principle it will not come back. It is rare that a lower eyelid correction has to be repeated.

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The chance of complications is small if the treatment is carried out by a skilled doctor who regularly performs the treatment. We only work with medical specialists with extensive hospital experience. As a result, there is little chance of complications and there is a short period of recovery. Recovery takes an average of 10 to 14 days.

-- FAQ (gekoppeld)

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Before the operation, we request that you remove the contact lenses, if you are wearing them. You may not wear the lenses for 1 week after the procedure. During the consultation you will discuss your wishes and the treatment with your specialist. This is possible with us in Capelle aan den IJssel. As soon as you make an appointment, you will receive a confirmation by email and a medical questionnaire. It is important that you fill this in carefully, so that our doctor can take this into account in preparation for the eyelid correction.

The following topics will be discussed during the consultation:

  • Your medical history
  • Your treatment plan
  • Your possible result
  • Precaution
  • Aftercare
  • The control moments

Before the Operation

The correction takes place under a local anaesthetic. As a result, you should not consume alcohol for 24 hours before the operation.

If you use blood-thinning medicines, you must inform your treating doctor. Two weeks before the eyelid correction, you can stop taking painkillers and blood thinners, such as arbasalate calcium (Ascal) and acetylsalicylic acid (Aspro or Aspirin), in consultation with your doctor.

If you use Marcoumar or Sitrom, we recommend that you stop taking this in consultation with the thrombosis service and your attending physician.

The Operation

The procedure takes about 45 minutes and is performed under a local anaesthetic. After the anaesthetic, the cosmetic doctor removes the excess skin, fat and muscle tissue through a small incision in the crease of your under eyelid. You will not feel anything from the procedure.

After the Operation

You can go home immediately after the operation. Because you have had surgery on your eyelids and have been given medication, you are not allowed to drive yourself. We recommend having someone pick you up. You should wear sunglasses outside for the first three days after the procedure to protect your eyes. Therefore, also take sunglasses with you on the day of the procedure.

The anesthetic injections in the eyelids may still be sensitive after the procedure. In addition, you may experience post-pain. Take a paracetamol for this.

To prevent swelling, it is best to cool the treated area with ice packs for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Never place the ice pack directly on the skin. Always wrap the compress in a washcloth or towel. The skin around your eyes will be blue and swollen after the procedure. Normally, the thin eyelid skin heals fairly quickly and the scars will be virtually invisible for a month and a half to three months after the procedure.

Avoid pressure

Eyelids are very sensitive to the effects of gravity and fluid retention. It is therefore important that you avoid pressure on your head as much as possible during the first two weeks after surgery. Keep your head upright. Do not bend over and do not lift heavy things. When sleeping, it is best to use two or three pillows, for 3 days, to keep your head upright as much as possible.

Taking a Shower

You can take a shower after the operation. The adhesive plasters are water resistant. You can leave this one.


You should not apply make-up on or around your eyes after the procedure. This is allowed again one week after the sutures have been removed.


Sports or other strenuous exercise puts extra pressure on your eyelids. We therefore advise you to avoid this type of exertion during the first three weeks after the procedure.


You must wear sunglasses when you go outside for the first three days after the procedure. This is to protect your eyes. You may not expose the scar to the sun or sunbed for the first six weeks after the procedure.

Contact lenses

You should not wear contact lenses until the stitches are removed.


Alcohol consumption is not allowed from 24 hours before and up to 48 hours after the procedure. Alcohol thins the blood, causing the wounds to bleed more than usual during and after the procedure.


Upper: € 1,000.-

Under: € 1,500.-

Upper and under: € 2,300.-

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drive immediately after an eyelid correction?

No, it is better not to drive yourself after an eyelid correction. Therefore, take someone with you when you undergo the procedure or come by public transport.

Can I go back to work quickly after the procedure?

Take enough rest after the procedure to allow your body to recover properly after the procedure. Our advice is therefore not to go back to work immediately. You can resume your work at your own pace after a week. So, depending on the type of work, you can go back to work after about a week. You may not perform any physically demanding work for the first four weeks. Do you have physically heavier work? In that case, keep in mind that it will take four to six weeks before you can start working.


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