Neck lines

Do you suffer from a wrinkled neck? This is also known as a turkey neck. Fortunately, you don't have to keep walking around with this. Aesthetic Beauty Center can relax your neck muscles with the help of botulinum toxin, which tightens the neck. With frequent repetition, it is also possible to reduce the horizontal lines in the neck in the long run.

No more turtleneck or scarf needed

DThe neck is often exposed to the sun and not sunscreened as accurately as the face. As a result, the neck often looks wrinkled faster. The neck also loses elasticity over the years due to the excessive tightening of neck muscles. After the botox treatment, your neck will look much tighter and neater. You no longer have to hide your neck with a turtleneck or scarf. The aging neck often goes hand in hand with a slackened jawline. We also treat this phenomenon with botox.

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-- FAQ (gekoppeld)

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Personal Advice

An aged neckline can have many characteristics: loose skin, horizontal lines or folds, vertical strands, and so on. That is why the doctor first gives you personal advice. If he concludes that botox alone is not enough, he will also recommend a filler. This consultation is completely non-binding and usually takes place 10 minutes before the treatment. It is also possible to plan this free intake separately from the treatment.

Before the Treatment

It is important that you do not take any blood-thinning medicines or drink alcohol for 48 hours before the treatment. We ask you to be present 15 minutes in advance so that we have enough time for the non-binding intake and administrative processing.

The Treatment

The treatment takes about 10 minutes. First, the doctor will disinfect your neck and mark the puncture sites. Then he injects the botox very carefully. It may be a little tender and you may have a slight swelling or bruising. But this goes away quickly.

After the Treatment

The result is visible after 3 to 4 days, but botox has an effect of 2 weeks. Only then will you see the final result. This usually lasts for 3 to 5 months. However, if you use botox for the first time, you have to deal with a build-up time of about six months. We recommend that you always follow the doctor's instructions for optimal results.

Check-up, after-treatment and re-treatment

If you wish, you can come for a check-up after 2 to a maximum of 3 weeks to evaluate the treatment. We can then schedule a re-treatment. Is there still a lot of muscle activity after the treatment? Then we'll inject some extra botox. This is completely free of charge. If there is also muscle activity afterwards, we will discontinue the treatment. Your body apparently does not respond well to botox.


We offer this treatment from € 350,-

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to sleep in a different position after this treatment?

It is important that you do not lie down immediately after this treatment. This is only possible after 2 hours. After that you can sleep in any position you want.

Do I always keep a tight neck?

No, botox is a temporary remedy. If you want to keep a tight neck, we recommend that you come back every 3 months for a re-treatment.

What can I do to prevent a turkey neck?

It is important that you rub your neck well with sunscreen when the sun is shining. It is also wise not to smoke and drink too much alcohol. Smoking and alcohol age the skin faster. You can always visit the clinic for a botox treatment. Botox also has a preventive effect.


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